End of a Year-a
Well, that’s a wrap on 2024. What a year it was. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the past 365 days. What are the first things that pop into your mind? How do you feel overall about the past year? I recognize that, as you remember 2024, what might stick out in your mind are negative memories, what you *didn’t get to do, and things you had a hard time with, failed at, or gave up. I’m not going to pretend like those things don’t exist–for me or for you. Every struggle, sleepless night, painful process, silent cry (or out loud), and inner battle was real and valid. The past year may have knocked you down a few times or more. But you got back up, and–you’re still standing. You’re still here. Even if you’re hanging on by a thread, keep holding on.
Season Struggles
I know that’s much easier said than done, especially around this time of the year. As fun and festive as the holidays can be, for some people it’s not the most wonderful time of the year. A recent survey showed that 60 percent of Americans felt their mental health is negatively impacted by the holidays. While I’m not a licensed mental health professional and can’t offer a diagnosis or treatment, having conversations about mental health is important so we can get more comfortable talking about it.
Extra Stress
There are several reasons people are extra stressed during the holidays. You may feel pressure to plan or attend a bunch of fun activities and hangouts and parties. That can also be exhausting, especially for introverted people. Money can be a stressor–paying for gifts, activities, travel, and food all adds up quickly. Spending day after day with your family without a break, you might get on each other’s nerves. Extended family gatherings may also bring up some family drama. And the shift in routines or lack thereof can really throw people off habits and schedules.
Extra Sad
This time of year people can also feel more sad than usual. You may be lonely or socially isolated from friends because of travel plans. You might feel FOMO seeing the fun others are having and posting on social media. You could be missing a loved one who isn’t with you. You might not feel as festive as you thought you should be based on how movies make the holidays appear. You may be disappointed because you had expectations that weren’t met for gifts or experiences you hoped to have.
Extra Dark
And during the winter (I recognize it’s summer right now for some of you, just remember this in a few months) there’s less sunlight every day, colder temperatures, and worse weather, which means less time to enjoy the outdoors, fresh air, and vitamin D from the sun. Some people actually experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is a kind of depression that occurs during fall or winter. I felt this as a teen growing up in northern Utah, and it made the long winters even more dreary. You might also feel post-holiday blues, once all the celebrations are over and you have to return to your normal everyday life.
So if you’ve been in a funk, or you’re feeling down, or you’re more anxious than before, please please know you’re not crazy, it’s not all in your head, and there are elements unique to this time of year that are impacting you. And–you’re still standing. So let’s help you stand steadier so you can start this new year strong.
Your Year Wrapped
As you reflect on the past year, don’t forget to remember all the fun you had, the things that made you smile and laugh, the accomplishments you’re proud of, the friends you made and relationships you strengthened, and every joy you felt. Write down your wins from the past year and give yourself credit for how much you’ve learned and grown. Because you have. Remember in episode 055 we talked about ploughing backwards to see how far you’ve come and all you’ve overcome. Then in episode 084 we discussed how to get out of rumination.
Take Care
Also remember to take care of yourself this season:
- Most importantly, get more sleep at night–I doubt any of us are getting enough. Sleep affects so many elements in our life, we need to prioritize it higher.
- On that note, remember to rest–which is different from sleep. We discussed the seven types of rest in episode 060: physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social, and spiritual. Go listen for a refresher.
- No matter the weather (as long as it’s safe) spend time outdoors every day, and get sunlight if you can. If you have to bundle up, at least feel the sun’s warmth on your face for a few minutes. And if sunlight is hard to come by where you live, see if you can find a light therapy lamp that mimics outdoor light.
- Also, drink more water–I know, sounds silly but we’re all likely dehydrated.
- Listen to your body–move it and feed it mindfully and intuitively.
- Practice self care– episode 030 has a bunch of ideas.
- Spend time with people–play games, do service, have a good chat. Share your light and warmth with others who need it this time of year.
Still Standing
However 2024 played out, you’re still standing. You’re still here, and you’re not alone–you’ve got family, friends, and others who truly care about you. You’ve got thousands of girls all over the world who are listening to this podcast with you, who I’m sure send a virtual hug if you need it. You’ve got me hyping you up over 116 episodes, telling you I believe in you, I love you, and you are enough. And most importantly, you’ve got you. And it’s ok if you make mistakes–everyone does. Progress, not perfection, right? You can be someone you have compassion for, that you can count on, that you’re proud of, and that you love wholeheartedly.
Also, if you are ever in crisis and need mental health help, along with talking to a trusted adult, here are resources for you:
• If you live in the United States or Canada, you can call or text 988.
• In Australia, the Kids Helpline is 1800 55 1800 or the Lifeline 13 11 14.
• In New Zealand, call 0800 543 354 or text 4357.
• In the United Kingdom, call 111 and select option 2, or text the word SHOUT to 85258.
• In South Africa, call 0861 435 787.
• And if you live somewhere else, Google your country’s name and the words “crisis line” to find one near you. Whatever’s going on, just make sure to get help and take care of yourself.
2024 Year Reflection Worksheet Printable
As it’s the end of the year and beginning of a new one, I created another “Year Reflection” worksheet so you can have a snapshot of your life’s highlights, lessons, and goals right now. There’s a spot to list your friends, books you read, music and shows you’re into, your interests and hobbies, the best experiences this year, things you’re proud of, what you tried and what you learned, and the goals you set. This worksheet is for you to print out, thoughtfully fill out, and post on your wall where you’ll see it, remember it, practice it, and believe it — that’s the important part.
If you have a topic suggestion, I’d love to hear from you! Send an email (tweens get the OK from your parents) to hello@EmpowerfulGirls.com .
If you have social media already, follow me on Insta or tiktok @empowerfulgirls. I’m not encouraging or endorsing social media, but I’m on there to offer an unfiltered, uplifting alternative to what’s in your feed. Remember to get on the email list for the newsletter!
Also, if you enjoy listening to 10 for Teens + Tweens, I would truly appreciate you telling your friends about this podcast or leaving a review so others can find it and feel uplifted, too! Your support means the world to me!